On Wednesday, April 27, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Milford Memorial Library will be hosting a Hot Air Balloon Presentation featuring private Hot Air Balloon Pilots Anne Susko and Eric Scheve. They will explain what attracted them to hot air ballooning, information about ballooning equipment, and how it works. Attendees may also get a chance to look at their equipment. All ages are welcome to attend this free presentation. If you have any questions please contact the library calling 712-338-4643 or emailing [email protected].
Thank you to all the young adults who came out for Y.A.D.O. (Young Adults Day Off). We had such a good time creating Maleficent’s staff pens, eating pizza, and watching how and why Cruella became who she is. Join Milford Memorial Library and Arnolds Park Library for the next Y.A.D.O. event on Thursday, May 26. Keep a look out for more information.
On Wednesday, May 4, at 5:30 p.m., an open meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Milford Memorial Library will take place in the Milford Community Center. The agenda will be posted on MML’s website and front bulletin board 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and offer their thoughts in order to make MML a better library.
Fourth through twelfth graders are able to sign up for MML’s Young Adult subscription Box: Star Wars. They will be making a beaded Storm Troopers key chain and learning how draw various Star War characters. The Subscription Box is free, but does require registration. Pick-up for the YA Subscription Box: Star Wars begins on Tuesday, May 10. Register by calling 712-338-4346 or online at http://milfordlibrary.weebly.com/ya-subscription-box-registratoin.html.
With the unpredictable weather, remember, you may pick up your reserved library materials at our drive-up window. Reserve materials by calling 712-338-4643 or going to MML’s online catalog at www.milford.lib.ia.us.
MML has a variety of cake pans available for checkout. They can be used for celebrations, “Just Because” moments, or teaching someone how to bake.
Milford Memorial Library can help with your printing, copying, faxing, and scanning needs. For more information, please call 712-338-4643 or email [email protected].
Milford Memorial Library: Youth Corner
Thank you to all of the kids that were a part of Milford Memorial Library’s Spring Coloring Contest. We had 310 bunny entries, and they looked so cool with their designs and colors. Four winners were picked in different age groups, and you can see them on MML’s Facebook page (@milfordlibrary).
Miss Becca will finish out the school year with two Building Bookworms and one Afterschool Activity. The Building Bookworms will be at 10:30 a.m. on May 9 (Flowers) and May 23 (Airplanes). Afterschool Activity will be at 3:30 p.m. on May 12 (Board games).
Lastly, please check with your local library about the upcoming Youth Summer Reading Program entitled Read Beyond the Beaten Path. Miss Becca is excited to answer your questions. You can also stay up to date with all of MML’s happenings through our website (www.milford.lib.ia.us) and Facebook page (@milfordlibrary).