If you would like a chance to shop the book sale before it is open to the public, we are looking for volunteers. Join us for a potluck which will begin at 5:30 pm. Following the food, we will form a bucket line to bring the books upstairs and get them set up in the community center. After all is set-up, you can begin shopping. Volunteer sign-up sheets are available at the library for the potluck and book moving event on Thursday, July 24. We are also looking for people to man the sales table throughout the day on Friday and assist with clean-up after the sale.
Would you like an opportunity to browse through our book sale without your children tagging along? Sign them up to read with a volunteer at our Jump Start to Reading Program at 9:30 on Friday morning. We will also be having story time at 10:00 am. The theme this week is "Bugs are Everywhere", especially those pesky mosquitoes.
Are you going to the parade on Saturday? Watch for Milford. He will be handing out pens, candy and an invitation to see Duffy Hudson performing Dr. Seuss on Tuesday, August 5th at 6:30 pm at the Milford Library.