Milford Memorial Library has put a new spin on the spring egg hunt. We have taken 12 pictures of items around the library and your job is to find out where and what these items are. You will receive a piece of paper from the front desk that has 12 pictures in eggs. Find and write down where all 12 images came from and turn your sheet in. Anyone can participate and the spring egg hunt ends Friday, April 7. We will draw for a prize on April 10.
Join us for great stories and much more every Friday morning at 11:00! Betty, our Children's Librarian, looks forward to sharing stories with you! No pre-registration is necessary. The theme this week is "Things That Hop."
Area libraries are sponsoring Children’s Paint Afternoon at the Library in April! Join area libraries on Thursday, April 13, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., at Arnolds Park Library for a fun afternoon of painting and snacks! There are only are 30 spots available and we request that an adult accompany the child or group of children that sign up for the class. The cost for early registration is $7.50 and registration the day of the event is $15. Those interested can register at the Arnolds Park Public Library, Spirit Lake Public Library, and the Milford Memorial Library. Attendees of any skill level are invited to recreate a beautiful painting by following step-by-step instructions from the artist who created the original painting. Participants will be painting on a 16 x 20 canvas and all the supplies are provided by the libraries. Mark your calendars for Children’s Paint Afternoon at the Library! Sponsored by Arnolds Park Library, Spirit Lake Public Library, and Milford Memorial Library.