With the tax deadline less than a month away, MML can help you find tax forms. To find your tax forms, go to our website, www.milford.lib.ia.us , and on the blue side column look for “Tax Forms and Information” heading. After you click that heading, links and information form the Iowa Department of Revenue and Internal Revenue Service website will be available.
Have you ever wondered what a reading level or the amount of Accelerated Reader (A.R.) points a book is? On the Milford Memorial Library’s website, you will find a resource to tell you just that. Go to www.milford.lib.ia.us and look for the “Use Our Library” tab. Hover over it until sub tabs appear, then slide and click “Do Research”. This will take you to a new page, where you will see an icon saying Accelerated Reader List. Click on this icon. A new page will appear, in the search bar, search the title of your book and click search. The search will bring up book cover and basic information. For more information, you may click on the book’s title. There is also an advance search option; this gives you a more defined search.
We are heading into the final inning of MML’s May Young Adult Subscription Box: Opening Day. This free baseball season pass expires on Tuesday, March 30. Contact the Milford Memorial Library by calling 712-338-4643 or emailing [email protected]. You may pick up your box at MML’s drive-up window during normal hours.
Schedule a same-day appointment at MML by calling the library at 712-338-4643.
Appointment guidelines:
- Masks and social distancing are required.
- One-hour time limit.
- 10-person limit to scheduled appointment time
Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Milford Memorial Library can help with your printing, copying, faxing, and scanning needs. For more information, please call 712-338-4643 or email [email protected].
Milford Memorial Library’s Drive-Up Window hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Milford Memorial Library: Youth Corner
Dinosaur Grab and Go Bags are ready for pick up at the Milford Memorial Library. The crafts are a cute clothes pin dinosaur and Q-tip skeleton dinosaur. You get both crafts in one bag plus many more extras. If you reserved them ahead of time, the deadline to pick them up is Friday, March 26. After that, the bags will be given away to those on the waiting list. Please call MML at 712-338-4643 or email Miss Becca at [email protected] if you would like to be placed on the dinosaur bag waiting list. All bags can be picked up at MML’s Drive-up Window.