Join us on Tuesday, March 29, at 7:00 p.m., at the Arnolds Park Library, for a fun night of painting, fellowship, and snacks provided by the three local libraries. Any skill level is invited to recreate a painting following step-by-step instruction. All of the supplies will be provided by the libraries. There are only 30 spots available so pre-register at the Arnolds Park Public Library, Spirit Lake Public Library, or the Milford Memorial Library. The cost is $15 for registration. Registrants will need to pay prior to the event to secure their spot. You may also register by going to this link: http://milfordlibrary.weebly.com/adult-program-registration.html
Monday, March 28, through Friday, April 8, MML’s Spring Egg Hunt will be taking place. Fourth graders through adults are encouraged to come look around the library and locate objects from the Spring Egg Hunt sheet. Once completed and turned in at the library’s front desk, names will be entered into a drawing.
MML Patrons are able to reserve materials by going to milford.lib.ia.us. Once the webpage loads, click on “Search Our Catalog” located on the left-hand side. This will bring up our online catalog. Patrons will enter their card number and phone number in the respective boxes and click “Login”. When patron is logged in, it will display their library card number. Once a patron has found something to reserve, click on the title and the title’s information will drop down. Click “Reserve this item”. A screen will pop-up and ask you to verify how the patron would like to notified when the reserve is ready for pick up and if they would like to pick it up at the circulation desk or the drive-up window. When information is correct, click “Place Reserve”. Once reserved, there will be a message stating this item has been reserved and what place in line patron is currently in for the material.
Spring is here and it is almost time to start gardening. MML has a variety of books and magazines to help you choose plant types, design and prepare area, and how protect your plants. Consider taking home Mother Earth News magazine, The Square Foot Garden by Mel Bartholonew, The Family Kitchen Garden by Karen Liebreich, Planting with Trees by Andrew McIndoe, The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control by Fern Marshall Bailey, and other related titles.
Milford Memorial Library: Youth Corner
Building Bookworms and Afterschool Activity are great opportunities for kiddos to meet new friends and do fun things at Milford Memorial Library. There is one more storytime left in March. It will be at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, March 28. The theme will be Pete the Cat, and the kiddos can even get some colorful cat ears to take home. Read Across America continues to take place until Thursday, March 31. All sheets need to be turned in by the last day. The annual Spring Coloring Contest will start on Monday, March 28. Coloring sheets will be sent to the Okoboji Elementary School, as well as they will be available at MML and on their website. Please contact Miss Becca through email, a phone call, or check out the Youth Page on MML’s website ([email protected], 712-338-4643, milford.lib.ia.us/youth).