Starting Monday, July 19, MML will be accepting book donations for the Friends of Milford Memorial Library Book Sale. This is due to running out of storage space for donations. As a reminder, we do not accept Reader’s Digest Condensed novels, magazines, textbooks, and encyclopedias. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Milford Memorial Library at 712-338-4643 or [email protected].
Please join other volunteers and the library staff for book sale set up beginning at 11:00 a.m., on Thursday, July 22., with a potluck to follow. Once everything is in place, let the shopping begin. The Friends of the Milford Library are also in need of volunteers to work the book sale on Friday or Saturday. Some extra help will be needed after the book sale on Saturday to clean up. For more information or to confirm your participation, please contact Milford Memorial Library at 712-338-4643 or [email protected].
Milford Memorial Library’s Adult Craft series is a lake inspired Epoxy Wood Tray. The kit contains wood, epoxy, color, rubber gloves, and instructions. This craft does require pre-registration and the cost of $5.00. Participants can pick up their kit at the library Monday, July 19, Tuesday, July 20, and Wednesday, July 21. You can preregister by calling 712-338-4643 or by going to this link:
The Young Adult Summer Reading Program Subscription Box: Color Outside the Lines, is inspired by people who dared to be different. They were able to shift other’s perspectives with ideas and activities. This box’s watch list and reading lists are collections of true legends and materials which pushed the envelope. The playlist is a combination of songs that influenced the world, original recordings, cover songs, and songs about influential people. A recipe for the first modern-day foodie craze can be found inside too. The projects in this box will have you discovering new ways of using everyday objects, creating an art, and taking part in saying thank you. This inspiration filled box is free and young adults can register by signing up for Summer Reading Program: Reading Colors Your World at , emailing [email protected], calling 712-338-4643, emailing Arnolds Park Public Library, [email protected] or calling 712-332-2033. When registering, please state before which library you will be picking up your subscription box.
Milford Memorial Library: Youth Corner
This will be the last week of the Youth Summer Reading Program at Milford Memorial Library. Please join us for some summer fun! On Tuesday, July 13, our Facebook Fun will entail telling us your favorite place to go or somewhere you would like to travel if given the chance. On Wednesday, July 14, at 10:00 a.m., Sidewalk Shenanigans will be making mini succulent planters. This will take place in MML’s east parking lot. Lastly, on Thursday, July 15, at 10:00 a.m., we will have the End Celebration at Florence Park. This will involve socially safe fun including a magician, pizza, and a color bash! Please wear clothes that can get messy