National Library week is April 12-18, 2015. This week is a celebration of the contribution of libraries across the nation. This is also a time to promote library use and support. On Friday, April 17, from 1-3 p.m. the public is invited to come to the library for an open house. We will have cake and punch. This is a great time to ask our librarians about all the services Milford Memorial Library offers.
Children between the grades of pre-school and 4th grade are invited to come to the library Thursday, April 9, for our after school craft party. The theme this month is “Welcome Spring” and we will have a craft, book talk, and snacks.
Join us for great stories and much more every Friday morning at 10:00! Betty, our children's librarian, looks forward to sharing stories with you! No pre-registration is necessary. The theme this week is "Animals in the Spring."