Join MML for our weekly Building Bookworms Storytime on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. Take a look below for our themes. All materials and services are provided by the library free to participants. All kids and their adults are welcome to stay after storytime and mingle. For more information contact the library or check out our Facebook page.
- January 27, 10:30 a.m. – Plants
- February 3, 10:30 a.m. – Birds
- February 10, 10:30 a.m. – Valentine
- February 17, 10:30 a.m. – No Building Bookworms- MML will be closed for President’s Day
- February 24, 10:30 a.m. – Light Up the Night
Mark your calendars for MML’s Blind Date with a Book. There will be no title. You will only know the book’s genre and a small description. Blind Date with a book will be held from Saturday, February 1, through Friday, February 28.
It’s National Puzzle Day on Wednesday, January 29! Milford Memorial Library has a variety of adult puzzles available for check out. We have a variety of children’s puzzles available for in-library use like Bluey, Farm animals, and dinosaurs.
Find printable 2024 Form 1040 and other tax information on Milford Memorial Library’s website. In your web browser, you will type milford.lib.ia.us. and hit enter. Once MML’s homepage is displayed, click “Tax Forms and Information” in the blue column on the left-hand side. Once this page is pulled up, links and information will be available for you to explore. You may print at home or at Milford Memorial Library. Printing your tax forms at MML will cost $0.10 per page for blank tax forms and $0.20 per page for filled-out forms.
Make an electronic To-Be Read list, with your library card on Milford Memorial Library’s online catalog. Go to MML’s website, (milford.lib.ia.us), click “Search Our Catalog” located in the blue column on the left-hand side. Login with your library card and pin information. Once you find material you want to read, click to open up material details, and then “Bookmark this item” To check your To-Be-Read list, click “My Account”, followed by “Bookmarks”. Your list of titles along with author, date bookmarked, and if MML has a copy and its availability will be displayed. You may click on title to read synopsis. To remove a title, you click “Remove”.